tag archive for "custombike"

8bar x ucon custom fixie

awesome custom bike project by 8bar and ucon from berlin… check out the video on their blog…

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noomad cargo porter

great idea… and easily addable to every standard fork… seen at noomadbike.com

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colossi custom bike

beautiful custom bike by colossi… more pictures at flickr.com

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new XECC custom bike

a new custom customer bike has just left our workshop… the ‘blue beat bike’… the bike is based on a tout terrain steel-frame. just the finest components have been used […]

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waltworks’ 36er

stunning big wheels… seen at waltworks…

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track bike – bcr:

another exclusive XECC bike is waiting for someone to pick it up… BLB, Leader and Campagnolo components… more pictures to come…

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XECC featured at stahlrahmen-bikes.de

XECC’s pimped swiss army bike has been featured on the webpage stahlrahmen-bikes.de. thx Ivo for the posting…

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vandeyk purple blast

beautiful new bike composition from vandeyk based on handcrafted high-quality steel frames… priced at around € 12’800. come on, you can get something similar from XECC custom bike at a […]

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awesome bike composition

awesome bike composition from moots…

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luxery carbon fixie

€ 25’000 for a fixie? probably not everyone’s price range, but stunning design and handcraft. get more information at ubc.

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